
Letter (WCP377.377)


Sumatra1 (Lobo Raman,2 100 miles E. of Bencoolen3)

December 10th. 1861

My dear Bates4

I should have written to you before to thank you for your paper on the "Papilios",5 but I somehow never can post up my correspondence till I get into some savage wilderness like that in which I am at present. I have here read your paper with quiet attention & also with great pleasure and I trust it is but the first of a long series which will establish your own fame and at the same time demonstrate the simplyicity & beauty of the Darwinian philosophy.

Your paper is in every respect an admirable one, & incontestably proves the necessity of minute & exact observation over a wide extent of country to enable a man to grapple with the more difficult groups, unravel their syno[ny]my & mark out the limits of the several species & varieties. All this you have done & have besides established a very interesting fact in Zoological Geography that of the southern bank of the river6 having received its fauna from Guyana & not from Brazil.

There is however another fact I think of equal interest & importance, which you have barely touched upon, & yet I think your own materials in this very paper establish it: viz. that the river in a great many cases limits the range of species or of well marked varieties. This fact I considered was shown, by the imperfect materials I brought home, to obtain both in the Amazon & Rio Negro. I read a paper before the Zool[ogical]. Soc[iety]. on the Monkeys of the lower Amazon & Rio Negro in which I stated that in almost every case for 800 miles up the R.[io] Negro the species were different on the opposite banks of the river.7 Guyana species come up to the E. bank;— Columbian sp.[ecies] to the West bank, & I observed that it was therefore important that travellers collecting on the banks of large rivers sh[oul]d. note from wh[ich]. side every specimen came. Upon this Dr. Gray8 came down upon me with a singular floorer:— [2] "Why" said he "we have specimens collected by Mr Wallace himself marked Rio Negro only" — I don't think I answered him properly at the time that those specimens were sent from near Barra9 before I had the slightest idea myself that the species were different on the opp[osite]. banks. In Mammals this fact was not so much to be wondered at, but few persons would credit that it would extend to Birds & winged insects. Yet I am convinced it does & I only regret that I had not collected & studied birds there with the same assiduity I have here, as I am sure they would furnish some most interesting results. However "revenons à nos papillons" [French: let's go back to our butterflies].

It seems to me that a person with no special knowledge of the district would have no idea from your paper that the species did not in almost every [1 word struck through, illeg.] instance occur on both banks of the river. In only one case do you specially mention a species being found only on the N. bank (Ergeteles10). In other cases, except when the insect is local & confined to one small district, no one can tell whether they occur on one or both banks. Obydos11 you only mention once Barra & the Tunantins [Tonantins]12 not at all. I think a list of the sp[ecies]. or var[ieties]. occurring on the S. bank or N. bank only sh[oul]d. have been given and would be of much interest as establishing the fact that large rivers do act as limits in determining the range of species. From the localities you give it appears that of the 16 sp[ecies]. & sub. sp[ecies]. peculiar to Amazon 14 occur only on the S. bank. Also that of the Guyana sp[ecies]. all pass to the S. bank. These facts I have picked out. They do not appear. It would seem therefore that Gu[y]ana forms having once crossed the river have a great tendency to become modified, & then never recross. Why the Brazilian species should not first have taken possession of their own side of the river is the mystery. I sh[oul]d. be inclined to think that the river bed is comparatively new,— & that the S. plains [3] were once continuous with Guyana,— a fact that Guyana is older than N. Brazil & after it had pushed out its alluvial plains into what is now N. Brazil an elevation on the Brazilian side made the river cut a new channel to the Northward leaving the Guyana sp.[ecies] isolated, exposed to competition with a new set of species, & thus led to their becoming modified as we now find them.

The phenomenon of a tract of country having been peopled from one now separated from it & not from that of wh[ich]. it forms a part, is too extraordinary not to require some special & extraordinary cause, & the one I have mentioned seems capable of producing the effects, & by no means improbable (however unexpected) in itself. The whole district is I fear too little known geologically to test the supposition. The N. mountains of Brazil however are of recent elevation, since fishes of the Chalk period, are found at great elevations heights. This would bring their elev upheaval into the tertiary period & it may have continued to a recent period. Now if there are no proofs of such recent upheaval in the S. Guyana mountains the theory thus far receives support.

I regret that your time was not divided more equally between the N. & S. banks,— but I suppose you found the S. so much more productive in new & fine things. I suppose you will turn now to the Coleoptera13 & give us the Cicindelidae14 on the same plain, & I hope you have made arrangements for a lot of copies, each part paged consecutively to form complete separate works when finished.

I am here making what I intend to [be] my last collection, but am doing very little in insects as it is the wet season & all seems dead. I find in those districts where the seasons are strongly contracted the good collecting time is very limited only about a month or two at beginning of dry & a few weeks at commencement of rains. It is now [4] two years since I have been able to get any better owing to bad localities & bad weather, so I am getting disgusted. When I do get a good place it is generally very good but they are dreadfully scarce. In Java15 I had to go 40 miles inland in the E part & 60 miles in W. to get to a bit of forest & then I got scarcely anything — Here I have had to come 100 miles inland (by Palembang16) & even here in the very centre of E. forest Sumatra the forest is only in patches & it is the height of the rains so I get nothing,— a longicorn17 is a rarity & I suppose I shall not get as many species in 2 months as I have done in 4 days in a good place. I am getting however some sweet little Lycaenidae18 which is the only thing that keeps me in spirits.

I hope to be home before the opening of the Exhibition,19 & look forward to seeing you in London though I fear my collections will be in dreadful confusion till towards the winter. I think my priv[ate]. coll[ection]. of Col[eoptera]. & Lep[idoptera].20 will be probably more extensive in specimens than yours, as I have a complete series from every island & chief locality, (which amount to about 30,) and as I intend to re ticket, catalogue & arrange them all,— as well as my extensive collection of birds, I shall have work for years,— a labour of love to wh[ich]. I look forward with much pleasure.

Remember me kindly to your brother Frederick21 who I also hope to see, & to have the pleasure of showing him a few of my Eastern Gems.

Wishing you health & strength to make known your rich collections & careful observations to the world, (a task in which I soon trust to be myself labouring)[.]

I remain | Yours very sincerely | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

H W. Bates Esq.

I should not wonder that your paper will convert Hewitson.22 He is not I think very susceptible to general arguments, but this will come home to his very bosom & touch his feelings if anything will!! I hope you have sent Darwin23 a copy I am sure it would please him[.]24

P.S. I quite agree with you as to the affinity of the Crassus25 group with Ornithoptera,—26 a note to the same effect has stood in my "Boisduval"27 for years. I doubt however the propriety of placing Dolicaon28 &c. with Protesilaus.29 I am now anxious to compare the Eastern forest group Polydorus30 &c. with Aeneas,31 to see if there is affinity of structure.32

A large island in eastern Indonesia, situated to the west of Java and south of the Malay Peninsula.
A small village in south central Sumatra.
Now Benkulu, Bencoolen was a British possession in mostly Dutch-controlled Indonesia.
Bates, Henry Walter (1825-1892). British naturalist, explorer and close friend of ARW.
Bates, H. W. 1860. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon valley. Diurnal Lepidoptera. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 5: 223-228; 335-361.
The Amazon River.
Wallace, A. R. 1852. On the Monkeys of the Amazon. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 20: 107-110.
George Robert Gray (1808-1872). British zoologist and author. Head of the British Museum’s ornithological section.
Barra do Rio Negro (Manuas), capital city of the Brazilian state of Amazonas.
A subspecies of butterfly, Parides echemon ergeteles.
Or Óbidos, a town in the Brazilian state of Pará.
A Brazilian village on the north bank of the Amazon
The largest order of insects that includes beetles and weevils.
The beetle subfamily Cicindelidae are the tiger beetles.
An island in central Indonesia, situated between the islands of Sumatra and Bali.
The capital city of the South Sumatra province.
Longhorn beetles in the family Cerambycidae.
Gossamer-winged butterflies, the second largest family of butterflies.
A world's fair, the London International Exhibition, held from 1st May to 1st November 1862.
The order of insects that includes butterflies and moths.
Bates, Frederick (1829-1903). British brewery manager and amateur entomologist; younger brother of Henry Walter Bates.
Hewitson, William Chapman (1806-1878). British naturalist, author and collector of insects.
Darwin, Charles Robert (1809-1882). British naturalist, geologist and author, notably of On the Origin of Species (1859).
The block of text from "I" to "him" has been written vertically up the left margin of the fourth page.
The Crassus swallowtail, Battus crassus.
A birdwing, or genus of swallowtail butterfly.
"Boisduval": Boisduval, Jean Baptiste (1799-1879). French lepidopterist and botanist. Here ARW is referring to Boisduval's 1836 volume Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Species général des Lépidoptères (Paris: Soret).
The Dolicaon kite swallowtail, Eurytides dolicaon (then Papilio dolicaon).
The swallowtail butterfly Protesilaus protesilaus (then Papilio protesilaus).
The red-bodied swallowtail, Pachliopta polydorus.
The swallowtail butterfly Parides aeneas.
The block of text from "PS" to "structure" has been written vertically up the left margin of the second page, where ARW found room to fit it in.

Published letter (WCP377.6814)

[1] [p. xxxiv]

Mr. A. R. Wallace to H. W. Bates.

Lobo Raman, 100 miles E. of Bencoolen1

December 10th, 1861.

My Dear Bates,

I should have written to you before to thank you for your paper on the 'Papilios,'2 but I somehow never can post up my correspondence till I get into some savage wilderness like that in which I am at present. I have read your paper with great attention, and also with great pleasure, and I trust it is but the first of a long series which will establish your own fame, and at the same time demonstrate the simplicity and beauty of the Darwinian philosophy.

Your paper is in every respect an admirable one, and incontestably proves the necessity of minute and exact observation over a wide extent of country to enable a man to grapple with the more difficult groups, unravel their synomy, and mark out the limits of the several species and varieties. All this you have done, and have besides established a very interesting fact in zoological geography, — that of the southern bank of the river having received its fauna from Guyana, and not from Brazil. There is, however, another fact I think of equal interest and importance, which you have barely [2] [p. xxxv] touched upon, and yet I think your materials in this very paper establish it, viz.: that the river, in a great many cases, limits the range of species, or of well-marked varieties. … In mammals this fact was not so much to be wondered at, but few persons would credit that it would extend to birds and winged insects. … It would seem that Guyana forms having once crossed the river, have a great tendency to become modified, and then never recross. Why the Brazilian species should not first have taken possession of their own side of the river is the mystery. I should be inclined to think that the river bed is comparatively new, and that the south plains were once continuous with Guyana; in fact that Guyana is older than North Brazil, and after it had pushed out its alluvial plains into what is now North Brazil, an elevation on the Brazilian side made the river cut a new channel to the northward, leaving the Guyana species isolated, exposed to competition with a new set of species, and thus led to their becoming modified as we now find them. The phenomenon of a tract of country having been peopled from one now separated from it, and not from that of which it forms a part, is too extraordinary not to require some special and extraordinary cause, and the one I have mentioned seems capable of producing the effects, and by no means improbable (however unexpected) in itself. …

I suppose you will turn now to the Coleoptera,3 and give us the Cicindelidoe4 on the same plan. …

Yours very sincerely | Alfred R. Wallace.

Now Lubuk Rahman on Sumatra, Indonesia.
The order of beetles.
The sub-family of tiger beetles.

Please cite as “WCP377,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 April 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP377