
Postcard (WCP4292.4414)


Down, Beckenham, Kent.

March 13th [1871]1

Will you send me a card telling me whether the Bugis2 are Malays — I suppose (as they speak a distinct language) they form at least a distinct subtribe from the Malays of Malacca.— Mr F. Geach3 speaks sometimes of Malays & sometimes of Bugis.4

C. Darwin [signature]


A. R. Wallace E[squi]re

Holly House

Tanner St

Barking E.



Postcard: year date from postmarks.
A people of the island of Celebes (now Sulawesi) east of Borneo.
Geach, Frederick F. (1835-1890). English mining engineer and friend of ARW. In 1868 he had responded to CD's queries on expression of emotions in man. See footnotes to Geach to CD, 4 July, 1868: The Darwin Correspondence Project, <https://www.darwinproject.ac.uk/letter/DCP-LETT-6267F.xml> [accessed 12 Jan. 2020] and WCP4291.4413, CD to ARW 27 Oct 1872.
See WCP4103.4092, 13 Mar 1871, ARW's reply to CD.
"Malays[?]" is in ink on the lower left corner of the card, possibly in another hand.

Please cite as “WCP4292,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4292