
Letter (WCP5336.5881)


Wells Terrace

Ikley, Otley



My dear Hooker

I have just read a review on my book in Athenaeum2 & it excites my curiosity much, who is author.

If you sh[oul]d hear who writes in Athenaeum, I wish you would tell me. — It seems to me well done, but the Reviewer gives no new objections, & being hostile passes over ever single argument in favour of the doctrine, instead of creation. I fear from tone of [2] review that I have written in a conceited & cock-sure style, which shames me a little. — There is another Review, of which I sh[oul]d like to know the author, viz of H. C. Watsons3 in G. Chronicle.4 Some of the remarks are like yours, & he does deserve punishment, but surely the review is too severe: don't you think so? —

I hope you get the 3 copies for foreign Botanists in time for your parcel, & [3] your own copy. I have heard from Carpenter5 who I think is likely to be a convert. Also from Quatrefages,6 who is inclined to go a long way with us: he says he exhibited in his Lectures a diagram closely like mine!

I shall stay here one fortnight more & then go to Down staying on road at Shrewsbury a week. I have been very unfortunate, out of seven weeks, I have [4] been confined for five to the House. — This has been bad for me, as I have not been able to help thinking to foolish extent about my Book7. If some 4 or 5 good men come round nearly to our view, I shall not fear ultimate success. I long to hear what Huxley8 thinks. Is you introduction published?9 I suppose that you will sell it separately: please answer this for I want extra copy to send away to Wallace.

I am very bothersome: farewell | Yours affect[ionally] | C. Darwin [signature]

I was very glad to see Royal Medal for Mr Bentham.10,11

Dated 20 November 1859 by reference to a review of Origin in Athenaeum, 15 November 1859, pp. 659-60.
[Leifchild, J.R] 1859. 'On the Origin of Species.' Athenauem, No. 1673. London: J. Francis, 659-660.
Watson, Hewett Cottrell (1804-1881). Phrenologist, botanist and evolutionary theorist.
[Lindley, J.] 1859. Gardener's Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, (21 November). London: Published for the Proprietors, 911-912.
Carpenter, William Benjamin (1813-1885). British physician, invertebrate zoologist and physiologist.
Quatrefages de Bréau, Jean Louis Armand de (1810-1892). French biologist and anthropologist, professor of natural history at the Lycée Henri-IV, Paris 1850. Honorary member of the Royal Society of London, 1879.
Darwin, C. 1859. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. London, UK: John Murray.
Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825-1895). British biologist known as "Darwin's Bulldog".
Hooker, J. D. 1859. On the Flora of Australia, Its Origins, Affinities, and Distribution; Being an Introductory Essay to the Flora of Tasmania. London: Lovell Revee.Hooker, J. D. 1859. On the Flora of Australia, Its Origins, Affinities, and Distribution; Being an Introductory Essay to the Flora of Tasmania. London: Lovell Revee.
Bentham, George (1800-1884). British botanist.
This sentence is written vertically up the left-hand margin of page 4.

Please cite as “WCP5336,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 5 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP5336